These are some of our favourite projects that we’ve been involved in, either as a consultant or as a staff member in local government. Get in touch if you’d like to know more.


Sports Clubs Engagement

Date: December 2020 - February 2021

Delivered For: Moonee Valley City Council

Team: Sports & Recreation

In partnership with Wayfarer Consulting, Emily worked with Moonee Valley City Council to improve their relationship with local sports clubs. Emily designed and delivered an engagement process including two rounds of online workshops and an online survey to gather feedback, build understanding of challenges and develop actions to improve relationships between Council and local sporting clubs.

“I found both of you to be very quick in responding and understanding the situation. I appreciated that while it didn’t follow the ‘norm’ of engagement that both of you worked to what we needed to deliver.” - Project Manager



Hume Community Vision

Date: March - August 2021

Delivered For: Hume City Council

Team: Organisational Performance & Engagement

Emily designed and delivered the deliberative community panel process for the Hume Community Vision, including advice to council staff on preparatory material, invitations and protocols. Over four all-day sessions online, Emily facilitated a group of 40 strangers to have a number of conversations that led to the group writing the Community Vision for the Hume community together. This diverse group were supported to build relationships with one another, have open, honest and respectful conversations and to work together for a common goal. 

“It was such a wonderful experience. I am humbled and grateful to have been a part of this activity. A big thank you to Emily for such professional and well run sessions.” - Panel Member



2023-2027 Partnership Program Workshop

Date: April - July 2022

Delivered For: Yarra Ranges Council

Team: Community Wellbeing

Emily provided a half-day online workshop to explore, in depth, several underpinning elements of the Partnerships Program with key partners who represented a variety of funding streams in the program. The workshop used individual reflection, small group discussions and sharing in plenary to explore roles, evaluation, celebration, and flexibility. Emily also provided an outcomes report with recommendations. 

“I thought the facilitation was excellent - the content was there but the style was friendly and non bullying. Sometimes so-called facilitators have an agenda and they try to push you in that direction, but this appeared to be very inclusive in listening to answers.” - Participant



Engagement for Draft Climate Risk Strategy

Date: April - July 2022

Delivered For: Merri-bek City Council

Team: Sustainable Communities

Emily worked with staff to refine the engagement plan for the draft Climate Risk Strategy, and provided advice for the online engagement portal. She drafted the engagement survey, working with Council to use easier-to-understand language, and conducted two stakeholder workshops.. All engagement feedback was collated and analysed by Emily and presented in a findings report to help guide the finalisation of the strategy.

“Thanks for all your help. You were really easy to work with.” – Project Manager